Welcome to Coastal ISR

What is ISR?

About Infant Swimming Resource (ISR)

Since drowning is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 5 in the U.S., our mission, “Not One More Child Drowns,” is the foundation of everything we do. ISR is the global leader in the industry it pioneered in 1966: survival swimming lessons for infants and young children. ISR provides the safest and most effective survival swimming lessons available, leaning on nearly 60 years of research and experience to achieve unparalleled results for families just like yours.

To date, ISR has delivered more than 19 million Self-Rescue Lessons. ISR believes in multiple layers of defense against aquatic accidents which include pool fences, alarms, and active adult supervision. However, traditional lines of defense break down, and the over 4,000 drowning deaths per year bear a grim testament to the fact that traditional approaches are missing a key component: the child. ISR’s core conviction is that the child is the most important part of a drowning prevention strategy and our over 450,000 ISR graduates and hundreds of documented survival stories, are proof that skilled children can, and do, save themselves. Children are naturally curious, capable, and have an uncanny ability to overcome obstacles like pool fences; at ISR we take that ability and teach them skills to potentially self-rescue if they find themselves in the water alone, providing parents with a little peace of mind, knowing their child has the skills necessary to survive in the event of an emergency.

“Supervision has a problem in that every time their child doesn't drown, parents think their drowning prevention strategy is working.
Luck is not a strategy.”

— Dr. Harvey Barnett, Founder of Infant Swimming Resource

Meet Your Instructors

Marlon and Karen Littlejohn, Certified ISR Instructors, are excited to offer ISR to Karen’s hometown of La Porte, Texas and the surrounding Bayshore community.  Certified in 2017, Karen also has a Bachelor's Degree in Education with an emphasis in Kinesiology and Biology. She previously taught 12 years in public schools where she worked with hundreds of students. Marlon, certified in 2019, is a proud Marine Corps Veteran. He has faithfully taught well over 1000 children ISR Self-Rescue skills. Outside of ISR, Marlon and Karen have enjoyed teaching Sunday School and have been homeschooling their own three children for over 15 years. The Littlejohns have a united passion for helping others and working with little ones, which is why they love teaching life-saving ISR skills to so many children.  Marlon and Karen take seriously their role in ending childhood drowning, one child at a time. 

Please feel free to email, text or call with any questions regarding ISR lessons for your precious child. We, at Coastal ISR, look forward to visiting with you about equipping your child with life-saving ISR skills.

Don’t Be Fooled …

Many swim instructors say they teach ISR techniques, however, unless they are listed on the ISR Instructor locator on the official ISR website and meet the criteria below, they are NOT Certified ISR Instructors.

All Certified ISR Instructors:

  • Have an email address ending in @infantswim.com

  • Can provide parents with a copy of their current ISR Certificate for review

  • Offer lessons five days per week, for a maximum of 10 minutes each day

  • Will require your child to be registered through ISR’s Online Registration Process and approved to begin lessons by our Registration Evaluation Team (approval email will come from an email address ending in @infantswim.com)

  • Complete the Daily BUDS Discussion form with you prior to each lesson

  • Can be found on the instructor locator at locator.infantswim.com