Welcome to Coastal ISR

In ISR lessons, each child will learn to swim and most importantly, to self-rescue should the need ever arise.  The number of cases where children have used ISR survival swimming techniques to save their own lives continues to rise well into the thousands! In fact, we frequently see posts from parents proclaiming their ISR trained child fell in and rolled right back to their float, just as they were trained to do. What a blessing it is that you want to provide this extra layer of protection for your own child. 

At Coastal ISR, we absolutely love children and are passionate about drowning prevention. We would be honored to help you get your little one safe around water. 

Why ISR?

ISR is a medically and behaviorally based approach to swimming lessons, using techniques that are safe, gentle, and developmentally appropriate for young children. Since its creation nearly 60 years ago, ISR has provided over 19 million safe and effective lessons!