Coastal ISR Approved Items
Here are some products we love and recommend to our clients to help your child on their water safety journey!
*small commission earned
*Swim Diapers
*Remember, until the student has been fully potty trained for a minimum of 6 months, they are required to wear two SNUG fitting, REUSABLE swim diapers, one over the other.
We strongly encourage the adjustable swim diaper, underneath the Happy Nappy, for superior protection. (Disposable swim diapers are NOT acceptable for lessons.)
Of course, you may purchase your swim diapers wherever you like. Links below are provided simply for your convenience.
(Various sizes and colors)
(Various sizes and colors)
Adjustable Swim Diaper w Snaps
(Various sizes and colors)
Girls Tropical 3 pk w Wet Bag
(Various sizes and colors)
Boys Tropical 3 pk w Wet Bag
(Various sizes and colors)
So handy! Multiple color options!
(Various sizes and colors)
Adjustable Swim Diaper w Snaps
(Various sizes and colors)
Extra Large Beach Bag w Pockets
Bags, bags, bags!
Keep all of your swim stuff together in one place, ready to hit the pool for your daily lessons.
Great to put your wet swimsuit/diapers in for travel home.
Floats and Boats
When purchasing a float or raft for your infant or toddler, It’s important to carefully consider the following :
Using something with a bottom will help avoid lesson interference.. Allowing them to float around in the vertical position, or with feet dangling in the water, teaches muscle memory that opposes the life saving posture they will learn in ISR lessons.
Children should ALWAYS wear a coastguard approved life vest when around open water like a river, lake or ocean. They should avoid floating around in a flotation device, but rather should be in or on a float with a bottom, while wearing the life vest, in case they were to fall in.
Intex River Run Tubes with a bottom
Built in Cooler
Check out the twin 400s and water cannon!
Get the Book and the Look!
Reading books and showing your child videos of what they will be learning is a great way to build up excitement about their ISR lessons. You can do this before or during your session to keep them engaged and wanting more!
Written by a fellow ISR Instructor so its the perfect introduction to ISR for your child.
Join Violet as she learns about water safety in this colorful, beautifully illustrated adventure. Parents also learn about the layers of protection to put in place to keep your child safe from a drowning accident.
Perfect little weighted plushy to warm or cool your little one, after lessons.
10”X6” Basket, just like Violet’s!
Float Like a Boat : The Aquatic Problem Solvers of Enchanted Brook
Highly recommended. Also written by an ISR Instructor and fellow Texan!
It's time for the littles of Enchanted Brook to become aquatic problem solvers! Caregivers will also learn about drowning prevention, and the critical layers of protection.
These shorties are SO CUTE! Check out all the amazing color options.
A tale promoting water safety for children. A valuable, fun and educational book for young children.
Excellent companion to go with the book, Josh the Baby Otter
Hyperlite Life Jackets for the Whole Family
Be sure to choose the correct weight range and size. Bring your child’s jacket to lessons so we can do a safety check before you go into the wild!